Wordart In Ms Word

Dave Dunn, Webucator’s CEO, joined Webucator in 2009 after serving as a CFO and COO for numerous small and medium-sized companies, including Summit Software Company, Insight Research Group, Avalon Consulting, and HealthcareOne. Dave received his Bachelor of Arts from Hamilton College and his MBA from Syracuse University. He has served as Chairman of the Board of the Montessori School of Syracuse since 2001.

  1. Word Art In Ms Words Pix
  2. Wordart In Ms Word 2007
  3. Wordart In Ms Word 2010

Word Art In Ms Words Pix

Webucator provides instructor-led training to students throughout the US and Canada. We have trained over 90,000 students from over 16,000 organizations on technologies such as Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft Office, Azure, Windows, Java, Adobe, Python, SQL, JavaScript, Angular and much more. Check out our complete course catalog.

Wordart In Ms Word 2007

Wordart In Ms Word

WordArt is a text modifying feature in Microsoft Word, a popular word processing program. It includes effects such as shadows, outlines, colors, gradients, and 3D effects that can be added to a word or phrase. WordArt can also bend, stretch, skew, or otherwise modify the shape of the text.


WordArt is a fast and easy way to add dramatic and colorful effects to the text in your documents. You can apply a preset WordArt style, or customize it and create your own. Inserting WordArt is like inserting a text box into your document, but with some additional formatting options. Click where you want to insert WordArt. How to Change Text to WordArt in Microsoft Word. Webucator provides instructor-led training to students throughout the US and Canada. We have trained over 90,000 students from over 16,000 organizations on technologies such as Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft Office, Azure, Windows, Java, Adobe, Python, SQL, JavaScript, Angular and much more. Click on the WordArt option in the submenu. A WordArt Gallery with different styles of text appears. Select the style of text you like and click on the OK button. A dialog box named Edit WordArt Text appears. Choose a font and font size for the text from the respective locations in the box. Type the text in the box. Click on the OK button. Word Artist contains many text styles and effects. For example, ABC blocks, Buttons, Newspaper and Magazine cutouts.

WordArt can be added within a Word document by selecting Insert→Picture→WordArt... This opens the WordArt dialog box, which gives the user several text styles to choose from. Once a style has been selected, the user types the text that the style will be applied to and the result is saved as an image within the document. The WordArt can then be moved or modified by selecting Modify→WordArt.

The OpenOffice.org office suite has a similar feature to WordArt, called FontWork. Photoshop 7 and later also includes a Warp Text feature, which provides similar text modification options.

Wordart In Ms Word 2010

Updated: December 3, 2007