
Cytoscape layouts have three different sources, which are reflected in the Layout menu. Cytoscape Layouts have the option to operate on only the selected nodes, and all provide a Settings panel to change the parameters of the algorithm. Most of the Cytoscape layouts also partition the graph before performing the layout. Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data. A lot of Apps are available for various kinds of problem domains, including bioinformatics, social network analysis, and semantic web.

Cytoscape Network Analysis

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A feature-rich application that enables you to view and analyze molecular interaction networks

Cytoscape is an advanced application designed for biology students, researchers and enthusiasts that want a reliable way to view and analyze molecular interaction networks and biological pathways.
The tool also provides numerous ways to annotate your files, and wraps all of its features in a neatly organized interface. It is possible to load multiple networks simultaneously, which you can edit and analyze as needed.
Very large networks might not be displayed and in this case, Cytoscape will highlight them in red. However, for the viewable large networks a bird’s eye view is offered so you can easily analyze them, as well as pan and zoom.
The application supports loading protein-protein interaction data sets in Excel Workbook, SBML, GraphML, Graph Markup Language, and BioPAX. With Cytoscape, you can view Resource Description Framework data, and analyze complex social networks with interpersonal relationships, thus if can be used in other fields of interest, besides biology.
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How to use deseq 2 file for keggscape in cytoscape
Cytoscape manual1
ashwing.kofficial • 0

Hello everyone, I have got deseq files for various datasets and have to analyze the pathways, I used genecodis web tool and had various pathways for a dataset, I want to shorten the number of pathways by using keggscape on cytoscape. But there are no tutorials covering this, same type of question has been posted in the forum but no replies to that too. Please let me know whether any tutorial are avaialble or in case it's not there , what are the steps or alternate methods I can do for that. Thank you in advance

Cytoscape Module

ADD COMMENT • link 11 days ago by ashwing.kofficial • 0
Scooter ▴ 30

Greetings. If I understand what you're asking, I'm not sure keggscape can do that. It's main goal is to create a Cytoscape representation of a KEGG pathway. It sounds like what you want to do is to reduce the number of pathways you get from your larger set -- I assume, to reduce overlap? If that's your intent, I would take a look at webgestalt, which provides algorithms to reduce overlap when doing either over-representation or gene set enrichment analysis. If you want to use Cytoscape, stringApp's enrichment analysis provides a very rudimentary way to reduce overlap based on Jaccard similarity.

-- scooter

Thanks for your comment , do you have any idea of how i can use my deg file for webgealt whenever I upload my gene list, this error pops up 'ERROR: For the ranked list, please upload a 'rnk' file with two columns (ids and scores).' what is the rank file they are asking , is it log fc or p value?

ADD REPLY • link 11 days ago by ashwing.kofficial • 0