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Blackbaud data breach

Blackbaud clients impacted by the event began notifying individuals in August. Northern Light Health Foundation in Maine was the first healthcare entity to report its patients and others with ties.

Driving Research and Insight to Accelerate Philanthropic Impact

The 2020 Charitable Giving Report from the Blackbaud Institute is one of the most credible resources on fundraising performance in the social good community. In the report, you will get a firsthand look at how charitable giving performed in a year like no other.
The Blackbaud Institute brings together the best minds in philanthropy to develop and share leading-edge research and insight that accelerates the impact of the social good community.
We bring together leading innovators and experts from nonprofits, foundations, businesses, government entities, and academic institutions to foster diverse perspectives, collective thinking, and collaborative solutions to the greatest challenges in philanthropy.
The Blackbaud Institute works with partners to convene experts, conduct research, and uncover strategic insight from the most comprehensive data set in the social good community, sharing it broadly—all in order to drive effective philanthropy at every stage, from fundraising to outcomes.

Hear from our leaders about the value the Blackbaud Institute is bringing to the sector.​

Your time and inbox space are valuable. That’s why we created The Source—the Blackbaud Institute’s quarterly newsletter covering ongoing research initiatives and perspectives from around the sector. It’s only the best and most relevant information, so you can read what matters to you.

  1. Exclusively Committed to Your Impact. Since day one, Blackbaud has been 100% focused on driving impact for social good organizations. We equip change agents with cloud software, services, expertise, and data intelligence designed with unmatched insight and supported with unparalleled commitment.
  2. Software solutions powering the entire social good community such as Faith Communities, Foundations, Schools, Nonprofits, and more.

The Blackbaud Institute will rely on collaboration and dialogue across the philanthropic sector and beyond.

To connect about the Institute’s upcoming efforts, contact:

To learn more about our team and partners, visit our About Us page.