
  1. Maxqda
  2. Maxqda Tutorial
  4. Maxqda Hva

The MAXQDA tables can be requested for one text, for a text group, for memos linked to a single code or the code system, as well as for all the memos of the project project. MAXQDA Virtual Conference on March 23 & 24. And our free webinars will allow you to stay in touch with the MAXQDA community in the coming year. Best regards from Berlin- and please stay healthy, Your MAXQDA Team. There is another export option in the Codes menu, but this has a quite different function as it creates a special MAXQDA file for importing the whole code system into a different MAXQDA project. This would be useful in some team-working situations where each analyst has different documents to work on but all have the same coding schema.

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  • Foreword (7-9)

  • Introduction: Systematic and focused analysis of qualitative interviews (10-17)

  • 1. Prepare, organize, and explore your data (18-36)

  • 2. Develop categories for your analysis (37-53)

  • 3. Code your interviews (“basic coding”) (54-63)

  • 4. Develop your category system further and the second coding cycle (“fine coding”) (64-81)

  • 5. Analysis options after coding (82-110)

  • 6. Write the research report and document the analysis process (111-119)

  • Bibliography (120-123)

  • Glossary of important MAXQDA terms (124-125)

MAXQDA is a state-of-the-art instrument for professional text analysis. As one of the pioneers in the field (the first version was released in 1988) With MAXQDA you can create and import texts in Rich Text Format (rtf) from anywhere on your hard disk and from the Internet by drag and drop.


Qualitative interviews are a very popular data collection method for which the topics of conversation are usually determined in advance and set down in an interview guide. The focused analysis method presented in this textbook provides detailed recommendations on how to analyze interview data in a systematic and methodically controlled manner. The practical procedure for focused interview analysis using the MAXQDA software package is described in six easy-to-follow steps.

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Maxqda Tutorial

Stefan Rädiker


Dr. Stefan Rädiker is a consultant and trainer for research methods and evaluation. He holds a degree in educational sciences and his research focuses on computer-assisted analysis of qualitative and mixed methods data (

Udo Kuckartz

Maxqda Hva

Dr. Udo Kuckartz is a Professor Emeritus of Methods of Social Research in Education at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. His research focuses on qualitative and quantitative methods, mixed methods, and visualization of social science research data.